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Note: the information on this site is now being previewed in a new format on The current site will be shutdown in the near future and all traffic redirected to the new site.
Should you have any feedback on the new site changes please let us know.
You can search for:
- partial product / drug names
- SCTIDs (NZMT code numbers)
- Pharmacodes
Sorry. There are no direct results for this generic substance.

Products associated with your selection are in the process of being edited.

At present, almost all regularly prescribed medicines are available in the NZULM.

OTC, un-subsidised, Section 29, and discontinued medicines are still being added and should be available soon.
NZ Medicines Terminology
Fully subsidised
SA: Special Authority required
Couldn't find something?
At present, almost all regularly prescribed medicines are available in the NZULM.
However OTC, un-subsidised, Section 29, and discontinued medicines are continuously being added to our database.
Please feel free to enquire directly about any medicine you couldn't find here by emailing [email protected]